
Par-Tapi-Narmada River Linking Project

 Par-Tapi-Narmada River Linking Project


• Par Tapi Narmada Link proposes to transfer water 

from the water surplus regions of Western Ghats to 

the water deficit regions of Saurashtra and Kutch 


• The link project includes seven reservoirs proposed 

in north Maharashtra and south Gujarat.

• The water from the seven proposed reservoirs 

would be taken through a 395 km long canal to 

take over a part of the command of the on-going 

SardarSarovar Project (on Narmada), while 

irrigating small enroute areas.

• The seven dams proposed in the scheme 

are Jheri, Mohankavchali, Paikhed, 

Chasmandva, Chikkar, Dabdar and Kelwan.


      • Besides providing irrigation 

benefits to the enroute 

command and Narmada 

command, the link will generate 

hydropower of the order of 93.00 

Mkwh through the power houses 

installed at four dam sites.

• The reservoirs will also provide 

flood relief to the people residing 

in downstream areas.


• Narmada is the largest west flowing river 

of the peninsular region flowing through a 

rift valley between the Vindhya Range on 

the north and the Satpura Range on the 


• It rises from Maikala range near 

Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh.

• It drains a large area in Madhya 

Pradesh besides some areas in the states 

of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

• Major Tributaries: Hiran, Orsang, the Barna

and the Kolar.

• The major Hydro Power Projects in the 

basin are Indira Sagar, Sardar Sarovar etc.


• Another important westward 

flowing river originates from the 

Betul district of Madhya Pradesh 

in the Satpura ranges.

• It flows in a rift valley parallel to 

the Narmada but is much shorter 

in length.

• Its basin covers parts of Madhya 

Pradesh, Gujarat and 


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