
Complete CDS notes and books

 Complete CDS notes and books 

Elementary Mathematics - DOWNLOAD 

CDS pathfinder- DOWNLOAD 




Lucent gk  - DOWNLOAD

Modern Indian history- DOWNLOAD

Geography- DOWNLOAD

Other material- DOWNLOAD

Previous year Questions- DOWNLOAD

SSB materials - DOWNLOAD

🔰 English (100 Marks) 🔰

The questions in the English section of the CDS exam are designed to test the candidate’s understanding of basic grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of English. 

• Questions in this section are asked from the following topics: 

1. Antonyms

2. Sentence improvement

3. Comprehension

4. Synonyms

5. Word substitution

6. Ordering of sentences

7. Spotting Errors

8. Selecting Words

9. Ordering of words in a sentence

🔰 General Knowledge (GK) Syllabus (100 Marks) 🔰

• The General Knowledge section of the CDS Syllabus includes Current Affairs and Static GK. 

The General Knowledge paper includes questions on various topics as mentioned below:

1. History

2. Geography

3. Politics

4. Economics

5. Sociology

6. Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

7. Environment

8. Sports

9. Awards

10. Books & Authors

11. Culture and Traditions 

🔰Elementary Mathematics 

(100 Marks)🔰 

The mathematics section is thought-out as a scoring CDS Exam. To score good marks, candidates should know their complete syllabus. 

Mathematics paper consists of questions from arithmetic, algebra, mensuration, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Given below is the detailed syllabus, on which questions are based on:

1. Number System 

2. Simple interest 

3. HCF&LCM of polynomials 

4. Area

5. HCF & LCM of numbers 

6. Compound interest 

7. Linear Equations in one and two Variables 

8. Surface area and volume of solids

9. Decimal fraction 

10. Ratio and proportion 

11. Quadratic Equations and Inequations 

12. Lines and angles

13. Square roots and cube roots 

14. Average 

15. Set theory 

16. Triangles

17. Time and distance 

18. Profit and loss 

19. Measurement of angles and trigonometric measurement 

20. Quadrilateral and polygon

21. Time and Work 

22. Logarithm

23. Height and distance 

24. Circle

25. Percentage 

26. Basic operations and factorization 

27. Ratio Expressions 

28. Statistical Data Analysis


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🔰Elementary Mathematics 

(100 Marks)🔰 

The mathematics section is thought-out as a scoring CDS Exam. To score good marks, candidates should know their complete syllabus. 

Mathematics paper consists of questions from arithmetic, algebra, mensuration, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Given below is the detailed syllabus, on which questions are based on:

1. Number System 

2. Simple interest 

3. HCF&LCM of polynomials 

4. Area

5. HCF & LCM of numbers 

6. Compound interest 

7. Linear Equations in one and two Variables 

8. Surface area and volume of solids

9. Decimal fraction 

10. Ratio and proportion 

11. Quadratic Equations and Inequations 

12. Lines and angles

13. Square roots and cube roots 

14. Average 

15. Set theory 

16. Triangles

17. Time and distance 

18. Profit and loss 

19. Measurement of angles and trigonometric measurement 

20. Quadrilateral and polygon

21. Time and Work 

22. Logarithm

23. Height and distance 

24. Circle

25. Percentage 

26. Basic operations and factorization 

27. Ratio Expressions 

28. Statistical Data Analysis

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