
500 Idioms and Phrases

Complete 500 Idioms and Phrases 

Idioms & Phrases 

Page 1 

1. Sweeping Statement – Thoughtless statement (SO(Audit), 1997) 

2. All at sea – Puzzled (SO(Audit), 1997) 

3. Enough rope – Enough freedom for action (SO(Audit), 1997) 

4. By fits and start – Irregularly (SO(Audit), 1997) 

5. Fell foul of – Got into trouble with (SO(Audit), 1997) 

6. Token strike – Short strike held as warning (SO(Audit), 1997) 

7. Face the music – Get reprimanded (SO(Audit), 1997) 

8. Look down upon – Hate intensely (SO(Audit), 1997) 

9. Flogging a dead horse – Wasting time in useless effort (SO(Audit), 1997) 

10. Under a cloud – Under suspicion (SO(Audit), 1997) 

11. Green thumb – To have a natural interest (SO(Audit), 2001) 

12. Played havoc – Caused destruction (SO(Audit), 2001) 

13. No love lost between – Not on good terms (SO(Audit), 2001) 

14. Fair and square – Honest (SO(Audit), 2001) 

15. A white elephant – Costly or troublesome possession (SO(Audit), 2001) 

16. Out and out – Totally (SO(Audit), 2001) 

17. On the cuff – On credit (SO(Audit), 2001) 

18. Does not hold water – Cannot be believed (SO(Audit), 2001) 

19. A wild goose chase – Futile search (SO(Audit), 2001) 

20. In a tight corner – In a difficult situation (SO(Audit), 2001) 

21. Going places – Talented and successful (SO(Audit), 2003) 

22. In cold blood – A murder done without intention (SO(Audit), 2003) 

23. Off and on – Occasionally (SO(Audit), 2003) 

24. Hard and fast – Strict (SO(Audit), 2003) 

25. Took to heels – Run away in fear (SO(Audit), 2003) 

26. To keep up – To keep in touch (SO(Audit), 2003) 

27. Make a clean breast – Confess without reserve (SO(Audit), 2003) 

28. Heads will roll – Transfers will take place (SO(Audit), 2003) 

29. Make no bones about – Do not have any hesitation in anything (SO(Audit), 2003) 

30. Take after – Resembles (SO(Audit), 2003) 

31. To starve off – Postpone (SO(Audit), 2003) 

32. To give a piece of mind – To reprimand (SO(Audit), 2003) 

33. Rest on laurels – To be complacent (SO(Audit), 2003) 

34. Pay through nose – Pay an extremely high price (SO(Audit), 2003) 

35. Draw on fancy – Use imagination (SO(Audit), 2003) 

36. Turn an honest living – Make an legitimate living (SO(Audit), 2005) 

37. Give the game away – Give out the secret (SO(Audit), 2005) 

38. Cheek by jowl – Very near (SO(Audit), 2005)

39. Give in – Yield (SO(Audit), 2005) 

40. Run riot – Act without restraint (SO(Audit), 2005) 

41. Go through fire and water – Undergo any risk (SO(Audit), 2005) 

42. Talking through hat – Talking nonsense (SO(Audit), 2005) 

43. Put up with – Tolerate (SO(Audit), 2005) 

44. By fits and starts – Irregularly (SO(Audit), 2005) 

45. Reading between the lines – Understanding the hidden meaning (SO(Audit), 2005) 

46. Get the sack – dismissed from (SO(Audit), 2006) 

47. Pros and cons – Considering all the facts (SO(Audit), 2006) 

48. By leaps and bounds – Very Quickly (SO(Audit), 2006) 

49. In the good books –In favour with boss (SO(Audit), 2006) 

50. In the long run – Ultimately (SO(Audit), 2006) 

51. To be always one’s beck and call – At one’s disposal (ready to serve one’s master) (SO(Audit),  


52. Turn a deaf year – Disregard/ignore/refuse (SO(Audit), 2006) 

53. At one’s wit’s end – Puzzled/confused/perplexed (SO(Audit), 2006) 

54. To fight tooth and nail – To fight in a determined way for what you want (SO(Audit), 2006) 

55. The green-eyed monster – Used as a way of talking about jealousy (SO(Audit), 2006) 

56. Set the record straight – Give a correct account (SO(Audit), 2007) 

57. Good Samaritan – Helpful person (SO(Audit), 2007) 

58. Bad blood – Angry feeling (SO(Audit), 2007) 

59. To go to the whole hog – To do it completely (SO(Audit), 2007) 

60. Lay out – Spend (SO(Audit), 2007) 

61. Laying off – Dismissal from jobs (SO(Audit), 2007) 

62. Leaps and bounds – At rapid pace (SO(Audit), 2007) 

63. Spilling the beans – Revealing the information indiscreetly (SO(Audit), 2007) 

64. Carry out – Execute (SO(Audit), 2007) 

65. Went to the winds – Dissipated/ To be utterly lost (SO(Audit), 2008) 

66. Ins and outs – Full details (SO(Audit), 2008) 

67. A white elephant – A costly but useless possession (SO(Audit), 2008) 

68. Fed up – Annoyed (SO(Audit), 2008) 

69. In the good books – In favour with (SO(Audit), 2008) 

70. Sharp practices – Dishonest means (SO(Audit), 2008) 

71. In high spirits – Full of hope and enthusiasm (SO(Audit), 2008) 

72. Shake in shoes – Tremble with fear (SO(Audit), 2008) 

73. Fits and starts – Not regularly (SO(Audit), 2008) 

74. Close shave – Narrow shave (SO(Audit), 2008) 

75. Take with a grain of salt – To listen to something with considerable doubt (TA(IT & CE), 2004)

76. Hobson’s choice – No real choice at all (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

77. To eat a humble pie – To apologize (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

78. To give the devil his due – to give encouragement even to the enemy (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

79. Reading between the lines – looking for meanings that are not actually expressed (TA(IT & CE),  


80. An open book – One that hold no secrets (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

81. An axe to grind – A private interest to serve (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

82. To blow one’s own trumpet – Praise one’s own abilities and achievements (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

83. Stand-offish – Indifferent (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

84. Sowing wild oats – Irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age (TA(IT & CE), 2004) 

85. A bolt from the blue – Something unexpected and unpleasant (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

86. By leaps and bounds – Rapidly (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

87. Of no avail – Useless (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

88. On the verge of – On the brink of (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

89. A sore point – Something which hurts (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

90. Like a phoenix – With a new life/rebirth/reincarnation (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

91. To keep under wraps – Secret (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

92. Die in harness – To die at one’s work (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

93. Fair- weather friend – A friend that deserts in difficulties (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

94. Emerge out of thin air – Appear Suddenly (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

95. Cut no ice – Had no influence (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

96. Brought up – Introduce for discussion (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

97. Cannot hold a candle to – Cannot be compared to (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

98. Burn one’s boat – Leave no means of return (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

99. Make one’s flesh creep – Horrify (TA(IT & CE), 2006) 

100. Pros and cons – For and against/ analysis of all the given facts (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

101. To take into account – To consider (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

102. Blow over – Pass off (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

103. Run into – Incurred/to experience difficulties (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

104. Blue-eyed boys – Favorites (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

105. Dropping names – Hinting at high connections/To mention famous people you know  

or have met in order to impress others. (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

106. A Red letter day – An important day (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

107. Bone to pick – Cause of quarrel/ Bone of contention (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

108. At stone’s throw – Very near (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

109. Struck a chill to the heart – Arouse fear/to make somebody afraid (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

110. End in a fiasco –A Total/Utter failure (TA(IT & CE), 2007) 

111. Fall back – To turn or move back (TA(IT & CE), 2008)

112. Turn up one’s nose at – To reject/despises (TA(IT & CE), 2008) 

113. Turn one’s head – To feel proud in a way that other people find it annoying (TA(IT & CE),  


114. High and dry – Neglected/ To leave someone helpless (TA(IT & CE), 2008) 

115. Take for granted – To accept readily/ To pre-suppose as certainly true (TA(IT & CE), 2008) 

116. Mince matters – To confuse issues/ to mix facts (TA(IT & CE), 2008) 

117. Currying favour with – Ingratiating / trying too hard to get please somebody (TA(IT & CE),  


118. Set one’s face against – Oppose strongly (TA(IT & CE), 2008) 

119. Strom in a tea cup – Commotion (angry/worry) over a trivial matter (TA(IT & CE), 2008) 

120. Putting one’s foot down – Asserting one’s authority/ take a firm stand (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

121. The man in the street – An ordinary man (common man) (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

122. To catch up with – To compete with (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

123. Fight to the bitter end – To fight a losing battle (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

124. Throw down a glove – To accept defeat (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

125. Read between the lines – Understanding the hidden meaning (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

126. Let the cat out of the bag – To utter a secret carelessly or by mistake (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

127. To have Too many iron in the fire – To get engage in too many enterprises at the  

same time (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

128. Fall through – To fail (TA(IT & CE), 2009) 

129. Cut one off, without a shilling – Disinheriting / To expel from fraternal property (TA(IT &  

CE), 2009) 

130. To smell a rat – To suspect a trick (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

131. Turn a deaf ear – Disobey (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

132. Have the last laugh – To be victorious at the end of an argument (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

133. Red letter day – Happy and significant day (Gala day) (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

134. To blaze a trail – To lead the way as a pioneer (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

135. To beat a retreat – To run away in fear (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

136. To steer clear of – Avoid (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

137. To get one’s own back –To get one’s revenge (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

138. To run across – To meet by chance (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

139. A dark horse – An unforeseen competitor (Statistical Investigator, 2005) 

140. Put up with – Endure (Statistical Investigator, 2006) 

141. Got the sack – Dismissed from (Statistical Investigator, 2006) 

142. Herculean task –A work requiring very great effort (Statistical Investigator, 2006) 

143. By leaps and bounds – Rapidly (Statistical Investigator, 2006) 

144. Helter-Skelter – In disorderly haste (Statistical Investigator, 2006) 

145. Go to the winds - Disappear (SO(CA), 2005) 

146. Make ducks and drakes of – Squander (SO(CA), 2005)

147. On the level – Honest and sincere (SO(CA), 2005) 

148. Done for – Ruined (SO(CA), 2005) 

149. Make a clean breast – Confess (SO(CA), 2005) 

150. To end in smoke – To come to nothing; no outcome (SO(CA), 2005) 

151. To have something up one’s sleeve – Having a secret plan (SO(CA), 2005) 

152. To take to one’s heel – To run away (SO(CA), 2005) 

153. To turn a deaf ear – To be indifferent (SO(CA), 2005) 

154. At snail’s pace – To do things very slowly (SO(CA), 2005) 

155. To run one down – To disparage someone (SO(CA), 2005) 

156. To blow one’s own trumpet – To praise oneself (SO(CA), 2005) 

157. To face the music – To bear the consequences (SO(CA), 2005) 

158. To take someone to task – To scold someone (SO(CA), 2005) 

159. At one’s wit – Puzzled/Confused/Perplexed (SO(CA), 2005) 

160. At stake – In danger/ that can be lost or won depending on the success of a particular 

action (SO(CA), 2007) 

161. To play to the gallery – To behave in an exaggerated way to attract people’s attention 

(SO(CA), 2007) 

162. Read between the lines – Understand the hidden meaning (SO(CA), 2007) 

163. Sitting on the fence – Hesitating which side to take (SO(CA), 2007) 

164. No love lost between – Not on good terms (SO(CA), 2007) 

165. To have not a leg to stand on – Unable to prove or explain why something is  

reasonable (SAS, 2005) 

166. A man in the street – An ordinary person / common man (SAS, 2005) 

167. Blood running cold – Become very frightened (SAS, 2005) 

168. Playing to the gallery – Befooling the common man (SAS, 2005) 

169. Come out of one’s shell – To appear suddenly (SAS, 2005) 

170. Lay down arms – To surrender (CPO, 2010) 

171. Making hay while the sun shines – Taking advantage of a favorable opportunity (CPO,  


172. Blow one’s own trumpet – To praise oneself (CPO, 2010) 

173. Bear with – Support / To be patient with some body or something (CPO, 2010) 

174. Give vent to – To emphasize (CPO, 2010) 

175. Turn a deaf ear – Pay no attention (CPO, 2010) 

176. Bone of contention – Matter of dispute (CPO, 2010) 

177. Stand on own feet – To be independent (CPO, 2010) 

178. By fits and starts – Irregularly (CPO, 2010) 

179. Over head and ears – Completely (CPO, 2010) 

180. To call it a day – To conclude proceedings (CGL T-1, 2011) 

181. To put up with – To tolerate (CGL T-1, 2011)

182. To face the music – To bear the consequences (CGL T-1, 2011) 

183. Yeoman’s service – Social work (CGL T-1, 2011) 

184. To take to hearts – To grieve over (CGL T-1, 2011) 

185. To smell a rat – To be suspicious(CGL T-1, 2011) 

186. To move heaven and earth – to try everything possible (CGL T-1, 2011) 

187. To take someone for a ride – to deceive (cheat) someone (CGL T-1, 2011) 

188. In cold blood – Not intentional / Excitedly (CGL T-1, 2011) 

189. A damp squib – A disappointing result (CGL T-1, 2011) 

190. To bite the dust – To be defeated (CGL T-1, 2011) 

191. To take to one’s heel – To run away (CGL T-1, 2011) 

192. To be all at sea – Lost and confused (CGL T-1, 2011) 

193. Cold Comfort – Slight satisfaction (CGL T-1, 2011) 

194. A bolt from the blue – An unexpected and unpleasant event (CGL T-1, 2011) 

195. To feather one’s nest – To make oneself rich (in position or in monetary terms) (CGL T-1,  


196. To die in harness – To die while in service (CGL T-1, 2011) 

197. To show a clean pair of heels – to escape/run away (CGL T-1, 2011) 

198. To flog a dead horse –to waste one’s efforts (CGL T-1, 2011) 

199. To strain every nerve – To make utmost efforts (CGL T-1, 2011) 

200. A bolt form the blue – Unexpected problem (CPO, 2011) 

201. Sailing in the same boat – Being in the same difficult situation (CPO, 2011)  

202. Gift of the gab – Ability to speak well (CPO, 2011) 

203. To keep the wolf from the door – Escape starvation (CPO, 2011) 

204. Soft option – Easy and agreeable option (CPO, 2011) 

205. A little gush of gratitude – Excessive enthusiasm (FCI, 2012) 

206. To lose ground – To become less popular (FCI, 2012) 

207. To fall back on – to fail to do something important in time (FCI, 2012) 

208. To make one’s blood boil – To make somebody furious (FCI, 2012) 

209. Wear and tear - Damage (FCI, 2012) 

210. To add fuel to the fire – To cause additional anger (FCI, 2012) 

211. Hand in glove – In close relationship (FCI, 2012) 

212. To make a mountain of a molehill – To give great importance to little things (FCI, 2012) 

213. To speak one’s mind – To be frank and honest (FCI, 2012) 

214. Maiden speech – First speech (DEO, 2008) 

215. At the eleventh hour – At the very last moment (DEO, 2008) 

216. Cope with - compromise (DEO, 2008) 

217. Go a long way – help considerably (DEO, 2008) 

218. Gift of the gab – talent of speaking (DEO, 2008)

219. Standstill – Complete halt (DEO, 2008) 

220. Cross swords - Disagree (DEO, 2008) 

221. Pore over – Go through (DEO, 2008) 

222. Make both ends meet – To live a lavish life (DEO, 2008) 

223. Run down - Criticise (DEO, 2008) 

224. Grease anybody’s palm – To give bribe (Stenographer, 2010) 

225. Leave in the lurch – Abandon in the midway/difficult situation (Stenographer, 2010) 

226. Caught red handed – At the time of committing crime (Stenographer, 2010) 

227. On the brink of – On the point of (Stenographer, 2010) 

228. Face the music – Face the unpleasant consequences (Stenographer, 2010) 

229. Gift of the gab – Ability to speak impressively (Stenographer, 2010) 

230. Go down the drain – Lose forever (Stenographer, 2010) 

231. A close shave – Narrow escape from danger (Stenographer, 2010) 

232. Cool as cucumber – Not nervous or emotional (Stenographer, 2010) 

233. In high spirits - Cheerful (Stenographer, 2010) 

234. Scapegoats - A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings with arrogant reactions (CHSL,  


235. A red letter day – A day memorable for joyful event (CHSL, 2010) 

236. Wears heart on sleeves – Express feelings openly (CHSL, 2010) 

237. To pay off old scores – To refund old dues (CHSL, 2010) 

238. Man of letters – Proficient in literary arts (CHSL, 2010) 

239. Turn down - Refuse (CHSL, 2010) 

240. On good terms – Agree with someone (CHSL, 2010) 

241. Stole the show – Win everyone’s praise (CHSL, 2010) 

242. Measure up – Reach the level (CHSL, 2010) 

243. Doctor the accounts – To manipulate the accounts (CHSL, 2010) 

244. Dark horse – An unexpected winner (CHSL, 2010) 

245. Face the music – To bear the criticism (CHSL, 2010) 

246. In the red – Losing money/to owe money (CHSL, 2010) 

247. In lieu of – Despite of (CHSL, 2010) 

248. Beat about the bush – Speak in a round about manner (CHSL, 2010) 

249. Bring about - Cause (Stenographer, 2011) 

250. Pull up - Reprimand (Stenographer, 2011) 

251. At sixes and seven – In disorder or confusion (Stenographer, 2011) 

252. Lose head – Panic (Stenographer, 2011) 

253. Take to task – To criticize severely/ to punish (Stenographer, 2011) 

254. Sit in judgement – To pass judgement(or comment on someone ) especially when you  

have no authority (Stenographer, 2011)

255. Leave in the lurch – To desert someone (Stenographer, 2011) 

256. Cry over spilt milk – Cry over irreparable loss (Stenographer, 2011) 

257. Bad blood – Active enmity (Stenographer, 2011) 

258. Close shave – A narrow escape (Stenographer, 2011) 

259. Grease palms – To bribe someone (MT(NT), 2011) 

260. Carrot and stick – Reward and punishment policy (MT(NT), 2011) 

261. To cut teeth – To gain experience of something for the first time (MT(NT), 2011) 

262. Cut no ice – Had no influence (MT(NT), 2011) 

263. Close the book - Stop working on something (MT(NT), 2011) 

264. In fits and starts - Irregularly (MT(NT), 2011) 

265. Bird’s eye view – An overview (MT(NT), 2011) 

266. Run in the same groove – Clash with each other (MT(NT), 2011) 

267. Keep your head – Remain calm (MT(NT), 2011) 

268. Pull strings – Use personal influence (MT(NT), 2011) 

269. Pot luck dinner – Dinner where somebody brings something to eat (Stenographer, 2011) 

270. To hit below the belt – To attack unfairly (Stenographer, 2011) 

271. All at sea - Puzzled (Stenographer, 2011) 

272. Sought after – Wanted by many people because it’s of good quality or difficult to  

find/Pursued by (Stenographer, 2011) 

273. Build castle in the air - Daydreaming (Stenographer, 2011) 

274. On the spur of the moment – To act suddenly, without planning (CHSL, 2011) 

275. To have something up one’s sleeve – To have a secret plan (CHSL, 2011) 

276. A red letter day – An important or joyful occasion in one’s life (CHSL, 2011) 

277. To explore every avenue – To try every opportunity (CHSL, 2011) 

278. At one’s beck and call – Ready to follow orders/ To be dominated by someone (CHSL,  


279. By fair or foul means – In honest or dishonest way (CHSL, 2011) 

280. Status quo – As it is/ unchanged position (CHSL, 2011) 

281. To burn candle at both ends – To be extravagant/ Spend without any worry (CHSL, 2011) 

282. To hit the jackpot – To make money quickly (CHSL, 2011) 

283. To bring to light – to reveal (CHSL, 2011) 

284. At the eleventh hour – At the last possible moment (CHSL, 2011) 

285. Go scot-free – To escape without punishment (CHSL, 2011) 

286. To shed crocodile tears – To pretend grief (CHSL, 2011) 

287. To look down one’s nose – To regard with contempt (CHSL, 2011) 

288. To miss the bus – To miss an opportunity (CHSL, 2011) 

289. A white elephant – Costly and troublesome possession, with much use to its owner  

(CHSL, 2011) 

290. To call spade a spade – To be frank (CHSL, 2011)

291. To fight tooth and nail – To fight heroically, in very determined way (CHSL, 2011) 

292. Birds of same feather – Persons of same character (CHSL, 2011) 

293. Take exception – To object over something (CHSL, 2011) 

294. High handed – Using authority in an unreasonable way, overbearing (CHSL, 2011) 

295. Too fond of one’s own voice – To like talking without wanting to listen to other  

people/Very selfish (CHSL, 2011) 

296. By leaps and bounds – Rapidly (CHSL, 2011) 

297. An open book – Straight forward and honest dealings (CHSL, 2011) 

298. Fall short – Fail to meet expectation/ have no effect (CHSL, 2011) 

299. Heart to heart talk – Frank talk (CHSL, 2011) 

300. Give the game away – Give out the secret(unintentionally) (CHSL, 2011) 

301. Take cue from – To copy what someone already did in past in order to be successful  

(CHSL, 2011) 

302. Call for – To ask (CHSL, 2011) 

303. Out of the question – Undesirable/ Not worth discussing (CHSL, 2011) 

304. Run into – To meet someone accidently (CHSL, 2011) 

305. End up in something – Come to nothing/ Useless (CHSL, 2011) 

306. Spread like fire – Spread rapidly (CHSL, 2011) 

307. Ins and outs – Full details (CHSL, 2011) 

308. Dropping like flies – Collapsing in large numbers (CHSL, 2011) 

309. Rat race – Fierce competition for power (CHSL, 2011) 

310. Hard nut to crack – Difficult task (CHSL, 2011) 

311. See eye to eye – To think in same way (CHSL, 2011) 

312. Put across – To communicate your ideas, feelings, etc. successfully. (CHSL, 2011) 

313. To have second thoughts – To reconsider (Constable, 2012) 

314. Not my cup of tea – Not what somebody likes or interested in (Constable, 2012) 

315. To break the ice – To start a conversation (Constable, 2012) 

316. To eat a humble pie – To say or show sorry for a mistake that one made (Constable, 2012) 

317. To add fuel to fire – To worsen the matter / To incite (CPO, 2012) 

318. To burn one’s fingers – To get physically hurt (CPO, 2012) 

319. At the eleventh hour – At the last moment (CPO, 2012) 

320. To feel like a fish out of water – Uncomfortable situation (CPO, 2012) 

321. To foam at one’s mouth – To be very angry (CPO, 2012) 

322. Send packing – To tell somebody firmly or rudely to go away / Terminate service (CGL T-2,  


323. Kick up a row - Make a great fuss / To complain loudly about something (CGL T-2, 2012) 

324. Wet behind the ears – Young and without experience / Naïve (CGL T-2, 2012) 

325. To talk someone over – To convince over (CGL T-2, 2012) 

326. Wear heart on sleeves – Express emotions freely (CGL T-2, 2012)

327. Bury the hatchet – To make peace / To stop being unfriendly and become friends  

again (CGL T-2, 2012) 

328. Once in a blue moon - Rarely (CGL T-2, 2012) 

329. Through thick and thin – Under all circumstances (CGL T-2, 2012) 

330. Come to grief – To suffer (CGL T-2, 2012) 

331. Eat anyone’s salt – To be anyone’s guest (CGL T-2, 2012) 

332. Give a hand with – To help with (CPO, 2012) 

333. Take to heart – To be very upset by something that somebody says or does / Serious 

(CPO, 2012) 

334. Had better – used for telling somebody what you think he ‘should’ do (CPO, 2012) 

335. Strike a bargain – To negotiate a deal (CPO, 2012) 

336. Point blank – Very definite and direct (CPO, 2012) 

337. Scapegoat - A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others,  

especially for reasons of expediency / Fall guy (CPO, 2012) 

338. Kicking heels – To be relaxed and enjoy / Waste time (CPO, 2012) 

339. End in smoke – Come to nothing (CPO, 2012) 

340. Die in harness – Die in service/ Die while working (CPO, 2012) 

341. On the horns of dilemma – In a situation where you have to make choice between  

things that are equally unpleasant (CPO, 2012) 

342. Hold your tongue – To be silent (CHSL, 2012) 

343. No hard and fast rules – Easy regulation (CHSL, 2012) 

344. Live from hand to mouth - Miserably (CHSL, 2012) 

345. Turn a deaf ear – Refuse to obey (CHSL, 2012) 

346. Take exception – To object (CHSL, 2012) 

347. To hail from – To come from (CHSL, 2012) 

348. To put an end to - Stop (CHSL, 2012) 

349. By fits and starts - Irregularly (CHSL, 2012) 

350. Bad blood – Feeling of hatred (CHSL, 2012) 

351. Turn up – To appear (CHSL, 2012) 

352. Die hard – unwilling to change (CHSL, 2012) 

353. Turn down - Reject (CHSL, 2012) 

354. To pass away - Die (CHSL, 2012) 

355. Carry weight – Be important / Important influence (CHSL, 2012) 

356. Fall flat – Fail to amuse people / Fail to produce intended effect(CHSL, 2012) 

357. Under the thumb of – Under the control of (CHSL, 2012) 

358. To get wind – Come to know about something secret or private (CHSL, 2012) 

359. Part and parcel – An essential part of something (CHSL, 2012) 

360. To give vent to – To express a feeling, especially anger, strongly (CHSL, 2012) 

361. Stand by – To help/support somebody or be friend, even in difficult times (CHSL, 2012)

362. In black and white – In writing (CHSL, 2012) 

363. At a loss – Unable / Not knowing about what to do or say (CHSL, 2012) 

364. Lame excuse – Unsatisfactory explanation (CHSL, 2012) 

365. Hand in glove – Working closely with someone / Very intimate (CHSL, 2012) 

366. A hard nut to crack – A difficult problem or situation to solve or deal with (CHSL, 2012) 

367. For better or worse - Always (CHSL, 2012) 

368. From the bottom of one’s heart – To speak frankly (CHSL, 2012) 

369. In a nutshell - Brief (CHSL, 2012) 

370. A shot in the dark – An attempt to guess something (CHSL, 2012) 

371. At the eleventh hour – At a last moment (CHSL, 2012) 

372. Water under the bridge – Something that happened in the past and is now forgotten  

or no longer important (CHSL, 2012) 

373. Stick to guns – Hold on to original decisions (CHSL, 2012) 

374. Out of hand – Out of control, at once, immediately (CHSL, 2012) 

375. The salt of the earth – Very good and honest/ Kind (CHSL, 2012) 

376. Talking through hat – Talking nonsense (CHSL, 2012) 

377. Looking forward to – To expect something or someone (FCI, 2012) 

378. Slip off – Leave quietly (FCI, 2012) 

379. Get on well – Have a friendly relationship (FCI, 2012) 

380. In a pickle – In an embarrassing or awkward situation (FCI, 2012) 

381. Under a cloud – Being subject to suspicion (FCI, 2012) 

382. As hard as nail – Emotionless / To show no sympathy, kindness or fear (CGL, 2012) 

383. Allow a free hand – Complete liberty (CGL, 2012) 

384. Lays out – To spend money (CGL, 2012) 

385. Break down – To lose control of your feelings and start crying / Could not proceed (CGL,  


386. Cut coat according to one’s cloth – Live within your means (CGL, 2012) 

387. Weal and woe – Ups and downs (CPO, 2012) 

388. Iron will – Strong determination (CPO, 2012) 

389. To take to task - Punish (CPO, 2012) 

390. Rack and ruin - Ransacked (CPO, 2012) 

391. Rides the high horse – Feel superior (CPO, 2012) 

392. By fits and starts – Irregularly (MTS, 2013) 

393. Has a bee in one’s bonnet – To be preoccupied or obsessed with something (MTS, 2013) 

394. See through – Detect / To realize the truth about someone or somebody (MTS, 2013) 

395. Take after – To follow / To take care of older members of family (MTS, 2013) 

396. Break up – Disband itself / The breaking up of relationship or association / The division  

of larger group in smaller fragments (MTS, 2013) 

397. Stand by - Support (MTS, 2013)

398. Bull in a China shop – A clumsy person (MTS, 2013) 

399. Change colours – To turn pale (MTS, 2013) 

400. Spick and span – Neat and clean / Tidy (MTS, 2013) 

401. Give in – To agree to do something that you don’t want to do (MTS, 2013) 

402. Leaps and bounds - Irregularly (MTS, 2013) 

403. Wide off the mark - Irrelevant / Not accurate / Inadequate (MTS, 2013) 

404. Out of the world – Extraordinary (MTS, 2013) 

405. Sweep under the carpet – Keep hidden (MTS, 2013) 

406. By leaps and bound – Very rapidly (MTS, 2013) 

407. To toe the line – To follow the lead / To follow boss’s orders (MTS, 2013) 

408. Stick to guns – Maintain opinion (MTS, 2013) 

409. Take hat off – Encourage / To admire somebody very much for something he has done  

(MTS, 2013) 

410. Null and void – Empty (FCI, 2013) 

411. Break the ice – Initiate a talk (FCI, 2013) 

412. Keep the wolf from the door – Avoid starvation (FCI, 2013) 

413. Fish in troubled water – To make a profit out of troubled situation (FCI, 2013) 

414. Look into – To investigate (FCI, 2013) 

415. Smell the rat – Suspect that something is fishy (CGL T-1, 2013) 

416. Let the grass grow under the feet – Delay in getting things done (CGL T-1, 2013) 

417. Apple of discord – Cause of animosity (CGL T-1, 2013) 

418. A fish out of water – In uncomfortable situation (CGL T-1, 2013) 

419. In the long run – Over a period of time (CGL T-1, 2013) 

420. Jumping down one’s throat – To react very angrily to somebody (CGL T-1, 2013) 

421. Out of wits – Greatly confused (CGL T-1, 2013) 

422. Call spade a spade – To speak in a straightforward manner (frankly) (CGL T-1, 2013) 

423. Face the music – Accept the punishment (CGL T-1, 2013) 

424. To play second fiddle – Take a subordinate role (CGL T-1, 2013) 

425. Casting pearl before swine – Offering good things to undeserving people (CGL T-1, 2013) 

426. Putting the cart before the horse – Doing things in the wrong way (CGL T-1, 2013) 

427. Not fit to hold candle – Not so good as somebody or something else (CGL T-1, 2013) 

428. Egg someone on – TO encourage somebody to do something (CGL T-1, 2013) 

429. For good - Permanently (CGL T-1, 2013) 

430. Achilles’s heel – Weak spot (CGL T-1, 2013) 

431. Take a leap in the dark – To take risk (CGL T-1, 2013) 

432. Cut the guardian knot – Remove difficulty / To solve problem (CGL T-1, 2013) 

433. Blow one’s own trumpet – Self boasting (CGL T-1, 2013) 

434. A cakewalk – An easy achievement (CGL T-1, 2013)

435. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth – Not to find fault with the gift received (CGL T-1,  


436. Man of straw – A man of no substance (CGL T-1, 2013) 

437. Born with a silver spoon – Born in a rich family (CGL T-1, 2013) 

438. Let sleeping dogs lie – Not to bring up an old controversial issue (CGL T-1, 2013) 

439. A month of Sundays – A long time (CGL T-1, 2013) 

440. A closed book – A mystery (CGL T-1, 2013) 

441. In apple pie order – In perfect order (CGL T-1, 2013) 

442. Thick and thin – In spite of all difficulties (CGL T-1, 2013) 

443. Wet one’s whistle – To have a drink / Moistens one’s throat (CGL T-1, 2013) 

444. Bury the hatchet – Make peace (CGL T-1, 2013) 

445. Cool one’s heel – To keep waiting (CGL T-1, 2013) 

446. Live-wire – A person who is lively or energetic (CGL T-1, 2013) 

447. Feel blue – In trouble / depressed (Constable, 2013) 

448. Above board – Legal and honest (Constable, 2013) 

449. Pour cats and dogs – Rain heavily (Constable, 2013) 

450. For good - Permanently (Constable, 2013) 

451. Iron fist – To treat people in severe manner / strictly (Constable, 2013) 

452. Time and again - Always (Constable, 2013) 

453. Eat humble pie – To say or show that you are sorry for the mistakes committed by you  

(CPO, 2013) 

454. Rule the roost – Exercise authority / To be the most powerful member in the group  

(CPO, 2013) 

455. Have something up your sleeve – Have an alternate plan (CPO, 2013) 

456. Take to task – Punished / Reprimanded (CPO, 2013) 

457. Feel one’s pulse – To find what one is thinking on some point (CPO, 2013) 

458. Donkey’s year – A long time (CGL T-2, 2013) 

459. To make things done – To manage (CGL T-2, 2013) 

460. Chicken out – Withdraw / To decide not to do something because you are afraid (CGL T-2,  


461. Ice braking – Starting a conversation (CGL T-2, 2013) 

462. Bad hats – People of bad character (CGL T-2, 2013) 

463. Give and take – Adjustment / Willingness in relationship to accept what somebody  

else wants and gives up some of what you want (CGL T-2, 2013) 

464. Off and on – Irregularly (CGL T-2, 2013) 

465. Man of straw – A man of no substance (CGL T-2, 2013) 

466. Break down – Weep bitterly (CGL T-2, 2013) 

467. Get down to business – To begin work seriously (CHSL, 2013) 

468. Giving a piece of one’s mind – Speak sharply / To disapprove (CHSL, 2013) 

469. Go about – Go around / TO continue to do something (CHSL, 2013)

470. Take exception - To object at something (CHSL, 2013) 

471. Picking up holes in – Finding out faults with something (CHSL, 2013) 

472. To cast a die – To take a decision (CHSL, 2013) 

473. Put up with – Bear patiently / To bear or endure (CHSL, 2013) 

474. The gift of the gab – Ability to speak well (CHSL, 2013) 

475. See through – Detect / To realize the truth (CHSL, 2013) 

476. Cordon off – Isolate / To stop people from getting into an area by surrounding it with  

police (CHSL, 2013) 

477. Keep an open house – Welcome all members (CHSL, 2013) 

478. Wet behind ears – Young and inexperienced / Naive (CHSL, 2013) 

479. Pick on - Warn severely (MT(NT), 2014) 

480. Fight tooth and nail – Fight with strength and fury (MT(NT), 2014) 

481. Teething problems – Difficulties at the start (MT(NT), 2014) 

482. A wild goose chase – Fruitless pursuit (MT(NT), 2014) 

483. To get into hot water – To get into trouble (MT(NT), 2014) 

484. A bolt from the blue – A complete surprise (MTS, 2014) 

485. Plain sailing – Very easy (MTS, 2014) 

486. Take to one’s heel – Run off (MTS, 2014) 

487. To cut one short – To criticize one (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

488. Show the white flag – T o surrender (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

489. A cut above – Rather superior to (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

490. To throw dust in one’s eye – To deceive (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

491. Read between the lines – Know what the writer thinks / Know hidden meaning (CGL T-1,  


492. Give vent to - Express (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

493. Bring about – Cause to happen (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

494. Husband one’s resource – Save / Economical (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

495. Foam at the mouth - Angry (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

496. Keep wolf away from the door – Keep away extreme poverty (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

497. Pin money – Additional money (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

498. The Alpha and Omega – Beginning and end (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

499. Salt of the earth – Good, honest and ideal (CGL T-1, RE-2013) 

500. Bring the house down – Make the audience applaud enthusiastically (CGL T-1, RE-2013

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