
Geographical Nicknames of the World

 Geographical Nicknames of the World

 📝 Major Geographical Nicknames of the World:

 1. City of the Seven Hills - Rome

 2. Pope's City - Rome

 3.Blood Color Woman - Rome

 4.Empire of the Ancient World - Rome

 5. Babylon of the West - Rome

 6. Eternal City (Holy City) - Rome

 7. Pearl of the Antilles - Cuba

 8. Sugar Bowl of the World - Cuba

 9. City of Skyscrapers - New York

 10. Pearl of the Orient - Singapore

 11.Ququet City - Philadelphia

 12. Windy City/Garden City - Chicago

 13. China's Mourning - Hwanghou River (Yellow River)

 14. City of Continuously Flowing Waterfalls - Quito (Ecuador)

 15. Hermit Kingdom - Korea

 16. Land of Morning Kam - Korea

 17. Land of the Golden Fleece - Australia

 18. Land of Kangaroo - Australia

 19. Land of Golden Wool - Australia

 20. Land of Thousand Lakes - Finland

 21. Land of Midnight Sun - Norway

 22. Gateway to the Mediterranean Sea - Gibraltar

 23. Holy Land - Jerusalem (Israel)

 24. Granite City - Everdeen (Scotland)

 25. Emerald Island - Ireland

 26. The gift of the Nile - Egypt

 27. Empire City - New York

 28. Queen of the Adriatic - Venice (Italy)

 29. Venice of the East / Queen of Arabia - Kochi (India)

 30. Playground of Europe - Switzerland

 31. Land of Sunrise - Japan

 32. Lord of Thunderbolt - Bhutan

 33. Country of White Elephants - Thailand

 34. Land of the Thousand Elephants - Laos

 35. Lille's Country - Canada

 36. Never-Never Land - Prairies of North

 37. Haring Pond - Atlantic Ocean
 38. Roof of the World - Pamir Plateau

 39. Venice of the World - Stockholm (Sweden)

 40. Crab of the Whites - Guinea Coast (D. Africa)

 41. Land of Cox - Scotland

 42. Cockpit of Europe - Belgium

 43. City of Golden Gate - San Francisco (USA)

 44. City of Dreamy Towers - Oxford (England)

 45. Britain of the South - New Zealand

 46. ​​Dark Continent - Africa

 47. Country of Golden Pagodas - Myanmar

 48. Bread Store of the World - Prairies of North America

 49. The world's uninhabited island - Tristan de Cunha

 50. City of Seven Islands - Mumbai (India)

 51. Manchester of the East - Osaka (Japan)
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 52. Forbidden City - Lhasa (Tibet)

 53. The Garden of England - Kent

 54. Garden of India - Bangalore (India)

 55. Gateway of Tears - Bab-el-Maub Strait

 56. Island of Pearls - Bahrain

 57. The gunpowder cask of Europe - the Balkans

 58. Land of the setting sun - Britain

 59. White Canal - Belgrade (Yugoslavia)

 60. Spice Garden of India - Kerala

 61. City of Monuments - Vienna (Austria)

 62. Paradise of the World - Paris

 63. Paris of Asia - Thailand

 64. Island of Klobaz - Zanjiwar (Tanzania)

 65. Garden Province of South Africa - Natal

 66. Pillars of Hercules - Straits of Gibraltar

 67. Land of Windmills - Netherlands

 68. Pearl of the Indian Ocean / Pearl of the East - Sri Lanka

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