
Buddhism &Jainism

 Buddhism &Jainism

Ancient history handwritten notes-- DOWNLOAD 


Buddhism was founded by Gautama Buddha. Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha at Lumbini near Kapilavastu (in
present Nepal) in 563 BC. He was the son of Suddhodhana and Mahamaya. Suddhodhana was
the chief of the Sakya clan. Due to this, Buddha was also known as
‘Sakyamuni’. His mother died either giving birth to him or after seven days. Siddhartha
was brought up by his maternal aunt, Prajapati Gautami. This gave
him the name ‘Gautama’. He was married to Yashodhara and had a son, Rahula. He left his home at the age of 29 to become an ascetic. This event is
called Mahabhishkramana. The idea of renunciation occurred to the Buddha after he saw four
different states of man – sick man, old man, corpse and ascetic. Buddha wandered for seven years and at the age of 35 attained
enlightenment at Uruvela while meditating under a banyan tree on
the banks of the river Niranjana. This tree came to be known as ‘Bodhi
tree’ and the place became Bodh Gaya (in Bihar). He gave his first sermon at Sarnath near Varanasi. This event is called
Dharmachakra Pravartana/ Dhammachakkappavattana. He died in 483 BC under a Sal tree in Kushinagar (in UP). This event is
called the Mahaparinirvana. The term ‘Buddha’ means ‘enlightened one’. First Buddhist Council was at Sattapani RajGriha in 483 BC just after
the death of Buddha. It was presided by Mahakassapa Upali. At this
council, Ananda composed the Suttapitaka (Buddha’s Teachings) and
Mahakassapa composed the Vinaypitaka (monastic code). Third Council was at Paatliputra around 250 BC presided by
Mogaliputta Tissa under the patronage of Ashoka. Main objective was
to purify Buddhism from opportunistic factions and corruption in the
Sangha. Buddhist missionaries were sent to other countries. Fourth Council was held in kundalvana of Kashmir in the 1st century
AD and was presided by Vasumitra helped by Asvaghosha. Here, Abhidhamma texts were translated from Prakrit to Sanskrit. In the fourth council Buddhism was devided into two sects : Hinyan and
Mahayan. Mahayana sect believed in idol worship, rituals and
Boddhisattvas. They regarded the Buddha as God. Hinayana continued
the original teachings and practices of the Buddha. They adhere to the
scriptures written in Pali while the Mahayana includes Sanskrit
scriptures as well. China adopted Buddhism in 1st century AD
Five Great Events of Buddha’s Life and their symbols
Birth – Lotus & Bull • Great Renunciation- Horse • Nirvana – Bodhi
Tree • First Sermon – Dharma Chakra • Death – Stupa
Famous Bikshuks of Budhdhism:
Sariputra • Ananda • Mahakassapa • Annuradha • Upali • Rahul
There are four noble truths of Buddhism:
AThe world is full of sorrow
B.Desire is the cause of sorrow
C.If desire is conquered all sorrow is won over
D. Desire can be conquered by following
The Eight Fold Path is as follows:
Samyak Drist : Right Understanding
Samyak Sankalpa: Right Thought
Samyak Vani: Right Speech
Samyak Karma : Right Action
Samyak Ajiv: Right Livelihood
Samyak Vyayam: Right Efforts
Samyak Smriti: Right Mindfulness
Samyak Samadhi: Right Concentration
The highest ambition of life according to Buddha is Nirvana
Dhammapad is known as Gita of Buddhism which is canonical text of
Buddhism. Anand was the dearest disciple of Buddha
Nagarjuna was a south Indian Buddhism Philosopher who spread the
theory of void or Shunyata
The most important sources of Buddhism are the Tripitakas /
Tipitakas written in Pali language. They are:
Sutta Pitaka
Vinaya Pitaka
Abhidhamma Pitaka
Dhammapada: a part of the Khuddaka Nikaya of the Sutta Pitaka. It
contains a collection of the sayings of the Buddha in verse form
Milinda Panha: Literal meaning in Pali – Questions of Milinda. It was
written around 100 BC. It contains a dialogue between the Indo-Greek
King Menander I or Milinda of Bactria and sage Nagasena where Milinda
asks questions on Buddhism to the sage. Buddhacharita: it is an epic poem composed in Sanskrit by
Ashvaghosha in early 2nd century AD. It is about the life 
of the Buddha.

Upagupta converted Ashoka to Buddhism. Vasubandu is known as Second Ashoka
Ashoka is known as Constantine of Buddhism. Ashoka accepted Buddhism after the Battle of Kalinga in 261 BC
Buddhist worshipping Centre is known as Pagoda
Viharas are the Buddhist Monestries
Vajrayana was a sect of Buddhism which believed in achieving salvation
through Mantra and Spells
‘Jataka Stories’ describe the stories related to Birth of Buddha. They are
500 in number. ‘Milandapanho’ a book of Nagasena describes how Greek King
Menandar accepted Buddhism. Buddha is also known as ‘Light of Asia’. He was named such by Edvin


The Jain tradition has a succession of great teachers or
Tirthankaras.There were 24 Tirthankaras the last of which was
Vardhaman Mahavira. The first Tirthankara is believed to be
Rishabhanath or Rishabhadev. The 23rd Tirthankara was Parshvanatha
who was born in Varanasi. All the Tirthankaras were Kshatriyas by birth. The symbol of Rishabdev was Bull or Ox. The symbol of Parshvanatha
and Mahavira was snake and lion respectively. Mahavira was born in 599 BC near Vaishali in Kundagrama. Mahavira
belonged to Jnantrik Dynasty. He got enlightened under a Sal Tree.He
got kaivalya (death) on the bank of Rijupalika River.Name of his mother
was Trishala who was sister of the King Chetak of Lichchavi. Sudharaman was the chief of Jainism after death of Mahavira.Final
compilation of Mahavira teachings took place in 5th or 6th century AD. Jain works were compiled in Vallabhi. There are five categories of devotees in Jainism:
Tirthankara : One who has attained Nirvana
Arhat : One who is about to attain nirvana
Upadhaya: Saint Teacher Acharya : Head of the Ascetic Group
Sadhu :- Rest Public
First Jain Council was in 300BC under the chairmanship of
Sthulbhadra. Second jain council was at Vallabhi in 512 AD. Vallabhi is in Modern
Gujrat and was headed by Devardhi Kshamasemana. Somprata who was Ashoka’s son had accepted Jainism. Supreme Principal in Jainism is Ahimsa or non violence. The ultimate
goal is realization of Nirvana which is called kaivalya.

There are five vows of Jainism:
Ahimsa (Non-violence) • Satya (truth) • Achaurya or Asteya
(non-stealing) • Brahmacharya (Celibacy) • Aparigraha (Non-attachment
to temporal possession
There are Three Tri-Ratnas of Jainism. Samyak Gyan, Samyak
Darshan and Samyak Acharan. There are 12 angas of Jainism. There are 18 crimes in Jainism. Bhadrabahu wrote Nirukitis, the doctrine of Jainism. Kalpsutra is the biography of Tirthankara in Jainism. Jinasena and Guna Bhadra composed Mahapurana. Tatwarthadhigam was composed by Uma swami. Mahavira didn’t believe in the existence of God. Jains believe that every
soul is divine and has the potential to achieve God-consciousness. Any
soul which has conquered its own inner enemies and achieved the state of
supreme being is called jina (Conqueror or Victor). Jainism is the path to
achieve this state. Jain Sangha is devided into two main sects Digambar and Svetambar. Digambars remain nude and Svetambar remain in white clothes. Mahavir
swami gave suggestion to the Digambara to remain nude. Jain Fasting :
Uttam: Renounce all worldly things including food & water on the day
of fasting and eat only once on the eve & next day of fasting. Madhyam: Food & water is not taken on the day of fast. Jaghanya: Eat only once on the day. During fasting a person immerses himself in religious activities
(worshiping, serving the saints & be in their proximity, reading
scriptures, Tapa, and donate to the right Candidates - Supatra)
Eight auspicious symbols (The Asta Mangalas):- Their names are (in series of pictures)
Swastika -Signifies peace and well-being
Shrivatsa -A mark manifested on the centre of the Jina’s chest, signifying
a pure soul. Nandyavartya -Large swastika with nine corners
Vardha-manaka -A shallow earthen dish used for lamps, suggests an
increase in wealth, fame and merit due to Jina’s grace
Bhadrasana -Throne, considered auspicious because it is sanctified by the
blessed Jina’s feet. Kalasha -Pot filled with pure water signifying wisdom and completeness
Minayugala -A fish couple. It signifies Cupid’s banners coming to
worship the Jina after defeating the God of Love Darpana -The mirror
reflects one’s

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