
Modern Indian history

 Modern Indian history  handwritten notes 

History of India can be dated as far as 5300 years ago. Modern Indian History is considered the history 1850 onwards. A major part of Modern Indian History was occupied by the British Rule in India. In this chapter, we’ll learn about Modern Indian History i.e. British Rule, Freedom Struggle, Independence and so on.

1 Advent of Europeans-  DOWNLOAD 

2 Anglo French struggle - DOWNLOAD 

3 Bengal state (1717-1772) - DOWNLOAD 

4 Anglo mysore war -  DOWNLOAD 

5 Anglo maratha war-  DOWNLOAD 

6 Anglo  sikh war- DOWNLOAD 

7 Revolt of 1857 - DOWNLOAD 

8  Social reforms

9  Indian National Congress  DOWNLOAD 

10 Moderate and extremist phase  DOWNLOAD 

11  Partition of Bengal   DOWNLOAD 

12 Surat split  1907  DOWNLOAD 

13 Ghadar Movement  DOWNLOAD 

14  Home rule Movement DOWNLOAD 

15 Lucknow pact  DOWNLOAD 

16 Revolutionary phase  1  DOWNLOAD 

17  Gandhian Era  DOWNLOAD 



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